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Alexander McQueen, Savage Beauty

I spent a splendid day with two lovely ladies – Maria (of the Maria Apron Wrap Fame) and Wendy (of the new smock pattern). We very excitedly travelled into London by train, I shall gloss over the joys of signal failure, train delays, absolutely NO TRAINS at one point – stiff British upper lip and all that! – because we went to see the Alexander McQueen “Savage Beauty” Exhibition at the V&A.  It was breath-taking, probably the most stunning collection of craftsmanship I’ve ever seen – such beautiful tailoring! McQueen was quite literally an artist using (mainly) fabric as his chosen medium.

I’ll let the photos do the talking…they are are all from Vogue, …apparently OK for Vogue to take photos, but not OK for me 😉

Maven Patterns: Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty McQueen 2 McQueen 3 McQueen 4

There’s not a lot more I can say to about these beautiful creations, except if you are in London, the advance tickets are sold out but you can buy tickets on the day at the museum and if the queue stretches on forever make sure you join it, you won’t regret it.