It was so lovely to meet you all at the Sewing Bee Live and The Knit & Stitch Show! A big thank you to all of you that took the time to say hi, bought one of our paper patterns or showed your support with a smile. The sewing community really is the best!
Our newly launched paper patterns were very popular – phew! – and I’m very pleased to say that after a lot of beavering away behind the scenes (behind the seams?) we are nearly ready to sell them online. It’s taken a little longer than anticipated – life kinda got in the way over here.
The paper patterns will almost certainly be on Etsy first, alongside our PDF patterns. And then we will pop them in our very own shop when we’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s.
Our collection of patterns each come in such a beautiful box, lovely and practical for keeping all of your pattern pieces and the Maker Instruction booklet together.
And of course, they’d make the most delightful Christmas gift for the sewist in your life!???