This info actually appears in our How to Lengthen and Shorten a Pattern Tutorial, but I thought it might just be a bit easier if anyone was specifically looking for help in the apron straps department to give it its own little corner of the web.
This is a great method to use if you need to alter the length of the apron straps of The Maria Apron sewing pattern. It’ll show you how to lengthen the straps without touching the angled edge that attaches to your apron, so it still fits together! (And there is a cheeky pic at the end if you need to shorten a strap).
You may find you want to lengthen the apron straps if you have a bust that is bigger than a B cup (all Maven patterns are drafted for a B). Longer straps will give you a bit more room over the bosom and shoulders. The neckline of Maria is designed to sit quite high, a couple of ladies with a fuller bust have preferred the neckline to sit a little lower on them and chopping through the straps is an easy way to achieve that. Keep an eye on the underarm though, it’s quite a scooped shape, and make sure you are happy with where that is sitting on you. As always make a toile to see what works for you!Tools |
- Your pattern (or copy of your pattern if you don’t want to alter your original)
- ruler
- pencil
- tape
- paper
Alteration Basics |
- If you are doing lots of alterations to your pattern, do any length adjustments first.
- Keep the grainline IN A STRAIGHT LINE, do not allow to stagger.
- The Chain Effect: when altering one pattern piece, also alter the corresponding pattern piece in the same way. Alter the TOP STRAP and then do exactly the same alteration to the UNDER strap. Check they still fit together after your alteration.
Adjustment line | Draw an adjustment line horizontally across your pattern at a right angle to the grainline. If you want to add a lot of extra length (more than 2.5cm /1″) divide the amount evenly between 2 lines.
Chop | Cut along the adjustment line(s) and separate the pattern piece.
Place a piece of paper behind your pattern and tape the top portion of your pattern to it.
Extend the grain line. Draw a line parallel to the your adjustment line the amount you need to lengthen the pattern by.Tape | Tape the lower portion of your pattern to the new line, matching up the grainline. Use a ruler and re-draw the seam lines so that they match up again.
Blend | You’ll notice you don’t have a smooth line at the edge of your pattern pieces, you’ll see that they stagger slightly. It’s quite usual after an alteration to need to blend the new lines together, adding a bit to one and taking a bit off the other.
Understrap | Now do exactly the same to the understrap so they will be the same length!
Shorten | Cut along the adjustment lines. Place a piece of paper behind your pattern and tape the top portion of your pattern to it. On your pattern, draw a line parallel to the adjustment line the amount the pattern is to be shortened. Overlapping your pattern pieces, tape the lower portion of the pattern to the new line, matching up the grainlines. Re-draw the the seam lines so they match up again, in the same way as lengthening a pattern.